WHAT WE DO - Litter Prevention
Keep Golden Isles Beautiful Special Cleanups are an easy way make to difference in our community! To help KGIB's 2 staff members provide more reach, VOLUNTEERS are the heart and soul of helping ...
Keep Golden Isles Beautiful Adopt-A groups are making a tremendous difference in our community! Volunteers from 100 Adopt-A groups perform quarterly litter pickups from roadways ...
Cigarette butts are the nation’s number one most littered item. Made out of cellulose acetate, a type of plastic, they do not easily biodegrade.
Do you want to initiate a neighborhood cleanup or help KGIB lead one of their many cleanups throughout the year? Not sure how to begin? Even a fourth-grader can be a stellar site leader ...
Help keep the Golden Isles clean & green just by properly securing truck/trailer loads. Properly roping, tarping, strapping, or otherwise securing any truck/trailer bed items prevents trash/litter from blowing out and landing on roadways and waterways.......
KGIB is responsible for recruiting 30+ litter/trash collection volunteers for the annual RSM Golf Tournament held on St. Simons Island. These volunteers, ...
A Keep America Beautiful litter measurement tool, the Index enables KAB affiliates to utilize trained scorers in assessing the visual impact litter has on their communities. The results allow affiliates to quickly ...
As part of the Coastal Litter Prevention Project, KGIB and Glynn County followed best practices of coastal communities around the nation in relocating ...
A Keep America Beautiful litter measurement tool, the Index enables KAB affiliates to utilize trained scorers in assessing the visual impact litter has on their communities. The results allow affiliates to quickly ...
WHAT WE DO - Waste Reduction & Recycling
Recycling in the Golden Isles can be confusing at best. Just like in any other community, the rules can change. Check here often for updated ...
Keep Golden Isles Beautiful’s annual Electronics & More Recycling event is an opportunity for community members to purge their households of ...
Each year Keep Golden Isles Beautiful organizes the community’s annual Christmas tree recycling effort, encouraging citizens to recycle ...
Easily capture recyclables and reduce landfill waste with the Keep Golden Isles Beautiful Off-site Recycling Trailer and/or Bins Loaner Program – FREE OF CHARGE for events and gatherings...
Non-traditional recycling methods offer Brunswick and Glynn County citizens even greater opportunities to recycle as much as possible and assist with landfill waste reduction.
Sponsor: Hello GoodBuy & Georgia Sea Grill
In an effort to reduce waste, highlight non-traditional recycling and promote community stewardship, Keep Golden Isles Beautiful hosts an annual School Recycling Challenge each Fall...
Upcycling is the process of converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products of better quality or for better ...
WHAT WE DO - Water Resource Awareness
With just one slight breeze, land litter quickly becomes marine debris. Whether transported from land or tossed directly into waterways, marine debris affects estuaries, wetlands, salt marshes, waterways, beaches ...
Flushing medications distributes chemicals into local waterways, and tossing medications in the trash can lead to ingestion by children and/or animals.
Improper handling and disposal of hazardous wastes is against the law and can result in fines and expensive cleanup costs.
Keep Golden Isles Beautiful partners with two ongoing water based litter prevention efforts: Rivers Alive and International Coastal Cleanup. Each Fall, Keep Golden Isles Beautiful volunteers perform special cleanups within the focus period of these two efforts and count specific littered items found.
Serving as the ocean’s nursery, salt marshes and estuaries serve a vital ecological function and it’s extra important to keep land litter and marine debris out of these sensitive ecosystems.
WHAT WE DO - Community Greening
Keep Golden Isles Beautiful community greening / beautification Special Projects are a great way to make a beautiful difference in our community!
Promoting clean, green and beautiful community landscapes, the Clean Sweep Award recognizes businesses and non-profit organizations that keep their outside premises clean, green and attractive.
A patchwork of community orchards is being woven across the City of Brunswick in the form of citrus groves. Planted in high pedestrian traffic areas across the City, when mature, the resulting citrus fruit will be free for passersby...
Non-profits, churches, school groups and youth groups are able to receive veggie seeds via Keep Golden Isles Beautiful's community garden seed program. A KGIB, Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation and The Home Depot partnership makes this seed program possible. Whether conducting a science experiment, learning about how plants grow or planting a garden, KGIB can provide vegetable seeds.
Join in one or both easy efforts to assist our coastal Georgia pollinator friends! Individuals and groups are needed to participate in both programs; one program simply counts pollinators in 15 minute time periods and the other program plants flowers.
Keep America Beautiful’s National Planting Day, a fall initiative of the Great American Cleanup that takes place each September, is a national call to action designed to mobilize Americans to support local ecosystems by planting native species.
Thanks to a Keep Golden Isles Beautiful, Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation and Georgia Forestry Commission partnership, free saplings are available each January to those participating in KGIB Christmas tree recycling.
Composting is an easy way to transform fruit/vegetable kitchen scraps and landscape trimmings into a dark, rich soil amendment beneficial for gardens and container plants.
Joining with Keep America Beautiful efforts, Keep Golden Isles Beautiful tackles blight reduction through various programs and projects. Beautification efforts combined with cleanup projects target specific problem areas to reduce blight and revive neighborhoods.
Answering a call for help regarding tree canopy loss after Hurricanes Matthew and Irma, Keep Golden Isles Beautiful secured a Keep America Beautiful community restoration grant that provided 52 live oak trees to replace those lost to the storms.
WHAT WE DO - Education
Sponsor: Georgia Sea Grill
Taking a closer at what is considered “trash,” the Is Trash Really Trash? FREE in-school educational program delves into the concepts of waste reduction, recycling, landfills, dumps, product life spans and more!
A “hands on” activity, KGIB’s portable worm composting bin provides opportunity for up close viewing of the worm composting process. Students learn about vermiculture and how to assemble a worm compost bin.
In 2015, Keep Golden Isles Beautiful volunteers recovered 65.6 tons of litter and 60.7 tons of recyclables from area roadways, waterways, marshes and public spaces.
Many items not accepted in local curbside recycling CAN be recycled in our area. To give a better understanding of “what can be recycled where” in the Golden Isles, Keep Golden Isles Beautiful has created a RECYCLE GRID that can be downloaded HERE.
Keep Golden Isles Beautiful partners and participates in many community engagement and outreach activities annually. An educational, organizational or topic specific display and accompanying ...
Keep Golden Isles Beautiful staff are available to speak to civic groups, clubs, churches, schools, youth groups and organizations concerning a wide variety of sustainability topics.